Frequently Asked Questions

For Companies

Does IRL Cyber provide blackbox or whitebox penetration testing?

IRL Cyber is able to provide both blackbox or whitebox penetration testing and works with customers to determine the both approach for their needs.

Can you help my organisation get ready for ISO 27001 and/or PCI DSS certification?

Yes, IRL Cyber can assist you in a number of ways:

Are you able to provide Qualified Security Assessors for PCI DSS assessment?

No, IRL Cyber can provide technical advice on how to build an environment that complies with PCI DSS, but is not QSA registered and cannot perform PCI DSS audits.

Are you able to provide Qualified Practitioners for ISO 27001 audits?

No, IRL Cyber can provide advice on preparation for an ISO 27001 certification but does not hold formal qualifications for ISO auditing.


Are you GDPR compliant?

Yes, please contact us with any GDPR requests.

Why don’t you have a cookies opt-in for GDPR compliance?

We don’t use any tracking mechanisms or cookies, so there is nothing to opt-in to and we don’t have to display one of those annoying banners with an ACCEPT button.

Do you provide or sell customer information to any third party?

No, we will never release your information without your consent.

IRL Cyber always complies with Australian law.

For Individuals

Does it matter where I am located?

No, our process is designed to be done entirely via video calls and screen sharing, but if you’re ever in town, let’s get coffee :-)

Will I need to use a standardised suite of devices and software to be supported?

No, we are technology agnostic so it will always be up to you to decide what works best for you. We may recommend alternatives that offer better security, but those recommendations will come with information that you can use to weigh the options.

Why do you recommend open source software?

We recommend whatever software is best suited to a given scenario. Open source software can be a good choice for security sensitive situations because the software can be more easily audited to check for security problems or intentional security backdoors.

Will my plan include advice for my office’s IT team?

We take information about your office environment and how it impacts your personal security, but our we are focused on helping individuals so we don’t provide written advice for office or enterprise environments.

Other Information

Where else I can find out about cyber security for journalists and human rights defenders?

Here are some good resources: